Alleycat's 提供高規格防疫措施Infection Prevention and Control for Coronavirus (COVID-19)1. 服務人員全數配戴口罩落實健康管理並定時「測量今日體溫」,讓您確保每份 餐點均出自健康無虞的同仁之手 2. 同仁定時完成手部清潔消毒,守護全體顧客的健康 3. 入店前請務必配合手部酒精消毒並測量額溫,高於 37.5°C者禁止進入 4. 顧客入席及離席後,完成座位區清潔消毒,讓您更放心 5. 所有使用的餐具皆經過清潔消毒
各門市皆配有 75%酒精及額溫槍。為提供顧客安心用餐的環境,入店前請配合 酒精手部消毒及測量體溫。如有出現發燒、咳嗽等不適症狀,請主動告知,由服 務人員協助您撥打防疫專線 1922(或 0800-001922)由專人引導就醫。
All staff members must take necessary sanitary actions every day. We wear masks and conduct daily body temperature check. We follow the regulations of National Health Command Center to keep the indoor areas well-ventilated and sterilized routinely with 75% alcohol to maintain a clean environment.
As the outbreak of the Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is rapidly evolving, the following actions are required: Please cooperate with body temperature measurement and hand sterilization before entering. Those with temperature above 37.5°C are forbidden to enter.
If you have any symptoms such as fever, cough, you may inform the attendants at the information desk. They will help call the toll-free hotline 1922 (or 0800-001922). |